ATA Affiliates are dedicated to:

  • provide a forum for translators and interpreters in a specific geographic area
  • organize meetings to further information exchange and cooperation
  • provide information and services needed at the local level
  • facilitate communication between ATA and local members to strengthen the sense of community
  • advocate for their members and promote the policies, standards, and objectives of ATA

How to Join

Each affiliate has its own membership application and dues. Visit the affiliate’s website to apply for membership. Membership in an affiliate is not included in ATA dues.


Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association

Robin Bonthrone, President
P.O. Box 92334
Austin, TX 78709-2334
Email | Website


Association of Translators and Interpreters in the San Diego Area

Marco Díaz, President
P.O. Box 710099
Santee, CA 92072
Email | Website


El Paso Interpreters and Translators Association

Rafael Carrillo, President
P.O. Box 12545
El Paso, TX 79913
Email | Website


Houston Interpreters and Translators Association

Natalia Noland, President
P.O. Box 801793
Houston, TX 77280-1793
Email | Website


Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association

Wyman Borts, Jr, President
P.O. Box 12031
Des Moines, IA 50312
Email | Website


Nebraska Association of Translators and Interpreters

Karina Ruiz-Vargas, President
P.O. Box 3306
Omaha, NE 68107
Email | Website


Nevada Interpreters and Translators Association

Sofia Gillman, President
Mailbox #2044
201 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas, NV 89125
Email | Website


New Mexico Translators and Interpreters Association

Melissa Jameson, President
P.O. Box 36263
Albuquerque, NM 87176
Email | Website


Oregon Society of Translators and Interpreters

Lois Feuerle, President
3036 SE Taylor Street
Portland, OR 97214
Email | Website


Tennessee Association of Professional Interpreters and Translators

David Morales, President
P.O. Box 40846
Nashville, TN 37204


Utah Translators and Interpreters Association

Carlos Martinez-Morales, President
2235 West 4800 South
Roy, UT 84067
Email | Website

To find more local groups, check out Chapters or Other Groups.

Chapter and Affiliate Handbook

Use this handbook to find answers the many questions you may have about how to manage local chapters.

View the Handbook

Want to Become an ATA Affiliate?

Find out what’s required and what benefits and privileges are offered. Contact Jamie Padula, Chapter and Division Relations Manager at